Were Just A Sunset Nearer – Hymn Lyric

Embrace the hope of a brighter tomorrow with "We're Just A Sunset Nearer." Each sunset brings us closer to a future of everlasting joy and light. Hold onto hope and cherish every moment. Just a Sunset Nearer: Embracing Hope.

Were Just A Sunset Nearer – Hymn Lyric

This hymn, “We’re Just A Sunset ,” reminds us that each day brings us closer to a glorious and future. It encourages us to hold onto hope and live each day with purpose, knowing that every sunset moves us one step closer to a brighter and more joyful existence. As we watch the sun set, let us be reminded of the beautiful journey we are on and the amazing destination that us.


Were Just A Sunset Nearer – Hymn Lyric

We’re just a sunset nearer,
Each time the day fades;
The glory that excelleth
Will know no evening shades.

A sunset nearer every ,
A sunset nearer glory bright.

It may be we shall see Him
Ere sinks the sun today,
And hear the welcome summons,
“Arise and away.” [Refrain]

If Christ should come tomorrow,
This night would be our last,
Then farewell pain and sorrow,
The darkness will be past. [Refrain]

A sunset nearer daybreak,
When suns will set no more;
This evening we are nearer
Than we have been before. [Refrain]


Meaning of Were Just A Sunset Nearer

We’re Just A Sunset Nearer: Embracing the Hope of a Brighter Tomorrow

In this beautiful hymn, “We’re Just A Sunset Nearer,” the songwriter reminds us of the comforting truth that every day brings us closer to a glorious and everlasting future. As the day turns to dusk and the sun begins its descent, we are reminded that life is a journey, and with each passing sunset, we are one step closer to a brighter, more joyful existence.

Just like the gradual fading of light at dusk, our lives move forward, inching closer to the moment when we will experience the ultimate glory that awaits us. The hymn exclaims, “A sunset nearer every night, a sunset nearer glory bright.” What a beautiful sentiment to cherish! Every sunset is a gentle reminder that we are getting closer to the magnificence and wonder that will know no bounds.

Sometimes, we may feel that our days are mundane or filled with challenges. But the hymn encourages us to hold onto hope. It says, “It may be we shall see Him, ere sinks the sun today, and hear the welcome summons, ‘Arise and come away.'” The idea that Christ could come tomorrow fills us with anticipation and excitement. It reminds us to stay focused on our faith and live each day as if it were our last, cherishing every moment and seeking joy in every corner of our lives.

When we about the possibility of Christ’s imminent return, it’s as if all pain and sorrow fade away. The hymn poignantly declares, “If Christ should come tomorrow, this night would be our last, then farewell pain and sorrow, the darkness will be past.” Imagining a without suffering gives us hope and strength to persevere through our current trials. We look forward to a future where darkness is banished, and only and light remain.

As the hymn continues to uplift our spirits, it reminds us that each sunset brings us closer to daybreak, a time when the sun will never set again. It proclaims, “A sunset nearer daybreak, when suns will set no more; this evening we are nearer than we have been before.” This captivating imagery fills our hearts with a sense of wonder and anticipation. It encourages us to persevere through the challenges of today, knowing that a new day, a dawn without end, is within our reach.

So, as the sun sets on another day, let us embrace the message of this hymn as a reminder of the hope and promise that lies ahead. Each day brings us closer to a future where pain, sorrow, and darkness will be replaced by everlasting joy, light, and love. Like the gradual fading of the sun, our journey through life draws us nearer to this glorious destination.

Let us hold onto this hope and cherish every moment. Let us live each day with purpose, kindness, and gratitude, knowing that we are just a sunset nearer to the day when all our dreams and desires will be fulfilled. And as we wait for that glorious day, may our hearts be filled with joy and anticipation, knowing that a brighter and more beautiful tomorrow awaits us.

In conclusion, the hymn “We’re Just A Sunset Nearer” reminds us to embrace the hope and promise of a brighter tomorrow. It encourages us to live each day with purpose and gratitude, knowing that every sunset brings us closer to a future where pain and darkness will be no more. As we watch the sun set, may we be reminded of the beautiful journey we are on and the glorious destination that awaits us. Let us hold onto hope, knowing that we are just a sunset nearer to the day when all our dreams will come true.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Embrace the hope of a brighter tomorrow with We're Just A Sunset Nearer. Each sunset brings us closer to a future of everlasting joy and light. Hold onto hope and cherish every moment. Just a Sunset Nearer: Embracing Hope.
Were Just A Sunset Nearer - Hymn Lyric - Embrace the hope of a brighter tomorrow with "We're Just A Sunset Nearer." Each sunset brings us closer to a future of everlasting joy and light. Hold onto hope and cherish every moment. Just a Sunset Nearer: Embracing Hope.