What Can Sweetly Fill My Soul – Hymn Lyric

Find joy and satisfaction in the living water. Discover how to quench your soul's thirst. Nothing but the living water can sweetly fill your soul

What Can Sweetly Fill My Soul – Hymn Lyric

“What Can Sweetly Fill My Soul: Finding Joy in the Living Water” explores the concept of quenching our deepest longings with the living water. This emphasizes that nothing in this world can satisfy our souls like the living water, which is described as pure, abundant, and never-ending. By opening our hearts and drinking from this divine source, we can experience true contentment and fulfillment.


What Can Sweetly Fill My Soul – Hymn Lyric

What can sweetly fill my soul?
Nothing but the living water;
What can all my thirst control?
Nothing but the living water.

O fountain full and ,
All, all, may drink of ;
No other fount for me,
Nothing but the living water.

Clear as crystal from the throne,
Nothing but the living water;
Sweetly filling all his own,
Nothing but the living water.


Nothing can so satisfy,
Nothing but the living water;
Only fountain, never dry,
Nothing but the living water.


Pure and brimming to the brink,
Nothing but the living water;
Whosoever will, may drink,
Nothing but the living water.


Come, my brother, and partake,
Nothing but the living water;
Drink, O drink, for Jesus’ sake,
Nothing but the living water.


Fountain open now for thee,
Nothing but the living water;
Come, O come, and drink with me,
Nothing but the living water.



Meaning of What Can Sweetly Fill My Soul

What Can Sweetly Fill My Soul: Finding Joy in the Living Water

Have you ever felt a deep within your soul? A thirst that seems impossible to quench? Well, my friend, do not despair, for there is something that can sweetly fill your soul and satisfy your every longing – the living water.

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of the incredible power and significance of the living water. It asks a simple question, “What can sweetly fill my soul?” The answer is clear and undeniable – nothing but the living water.

Imagine a fountain, clear as crystal, flowing from the very throne of heaven. This is the source of the living water that can quench our deepest thirst. It is described as sweetly filling all His own – those who seek it with genuine hearts and open minds. This water goes beyond physical hydration; it satisfies our spiritual and emotional longings.

No other fount can compare to the living water. It is the only fountain that never runs dry. Just think about that for a moment – a never-ending supply of refreshing, life-giving water. Isn’t that incredible? No matter how much we drink, the living water will always satisfy our every need.

This water is not only abundant but also pure. It is like a sparkling spring, brimming to the brink with freshness and vitality. It is available to all, without discrimination or judgement. Whosoever will, may drink. Yes, my friend, it does not matter who you are or what you have done. The living water is for everyone, and it welcomes you with open arms.

So, my brother or sister, ‘t you come and partake in this divine drink? The hymn urges us to drink, for Jesus’ sake. It is through Jesus, the living water himself, that we are able to access this life-giving source. He invites us to taste and see that the is good.

The living water is like a fountain that is open for everyone. Jesus calls out to you, saying, “Come, O come, and drink with me.” Can you hear his loving ? He desires to quench your thirst and fill your soul with joy, peace, and .

Now, you may be wondering, how do I drink of this living water? The answer is simple – by faith. You must believe in Jesus , who came to provide salvation and offer the living water to all who would receive it. Trust in him, and he will fill your soul to overflowing.

As we conclude our journey through this hymn, let us reflect on the profound truth it conveys. There is nothing in this world that can compare to the sweet satisfaction found in the living water. No material possession, no earthly pleasure, nothing can fill our souls like Jesus can.

So, my dear friend, I implore you, seek the living water. Open your heart and allow Jesus to pour his love and grace into your life. Experience the joy of being fully and deeply fulfilled. Drink, O drink, from the fountain of life.

In a world filled with distractions and temporary pleasures, may we always remember the truth embedded in this hymn – that the living water is all we truly need. Let this message resonate in your heart, and may it guide and inspire you on your journey to finding true joy and contentment.

Remember, my friend, nothing but the living water can sweetly fill your soul. Open your heart, take a drink, and let your spirit be refreshed by the abundant love of Jesus. Cheers to a life fully satisfied by the divine source – the living water.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Find joy and satisfaction in the living water. Discover how to quench your soul's thirst. Nothing but the living water can sweetly fill your soul, bringing true contentment.
What Can Sweetly Fill My Soul - Hymn Lyric - Find joy and satisfaction in the living water. Discover how to quench your soul's thirst. Nothing but the living water can sweetly fill your soul, bringing true contentment.