What Thousands Never Knew The Road – Hymn Lyric

Discover the hidden path to joy and glory. Don't let others' judgments deter you. Embrace the road less traveled for eternal rewards. Find out what thousands never knew.

What Thousands Never Knew The Road – Hymn Lyric

“What Thousands Never Knew The Road” sheds light on the less traveled, a journey that many may not understand. Despite judgment or disapproval, this hymn encourages those who have chosen this road to stay strong, for it leads to immense joy and . Embrace the road that others may never know, and let it guide you towards the joys on high.


What Thousands Never Knew The Road – Hymn Lyric

What thousands never knew the road!
What thousands hate it when ’tis known!
None but the upright and sincere
Will seek or choose it for their own.

A thousand ways in ruin end,
One only leads to joys on high;
By that my willing steps ascend,
Pleased with a journey to the sky.

No more I ask, or hope to find
Delight or happiness below;
may well possess the mind
That feeds where thorns and thistles grow.

The joy that fades is not for me,
I seek immortal joys above;
There glory, without end, shall be
The bright reward of and .


Meaning of What Thousands Never Knew The Road

What Thousands Never Knew The Road: A Journey to Joy and Glory

Have you ever felt like you were walking on a path that many people didn’t understand? Maybe you’ve experienced the judgment or disapproval of others when they learned about your choices or beliefs. But let me tell you, my friend, that you are not alone. This hymn reminds us that there is a road less traveled, a path that holds immense value and beauty, yet not everyone appreciates it.

It is unfortunate that so many people despise or reject this road once they become aware of its existence. Perhaps it is because they fear what is unfamiliar or because they choose to conform to societal expectations. However, let me assure you that the road spoken of here is one that only the upright and sincere will seek and choose for themselves.

This road diverges from the multitude of possibilities, for there are indeed a thousand ways that lead to ruin. These other paths may promise temporary pleasure or instant gratification, but in the end, they only sorrow and discontentment. They are like feeding on thorns and thistles – they may look enticing, but they only cause pain and dissatisfaction.

But fear not, for there is one road that stands apart from the rest. This road may not be easy, but it leads to joys on high. Step by willing step, we ascend towards the sky, our hearts filled with the anticipation of reaching our destination. And what awaits us there? Immortal joys, happiness, and a glory that knows no end.

It is true that we might not find delight or happiness below on this earthly journey. We may encounter sorrow and hardships along the way. But remember, my friend, that true joy is not found in the fading pleasures of this world. Instead, we seek something far greater – we seek immortal joys above.

In a world filled with temporary pleasures and fading happiness, we yearn for something everlasting. We long for a joy that doesn’t disappoint, a happiness that doesn’t fade . That is why we set our sights on the road less traveled, the road that leads to glory without end.

Faith and love are our guiding lights on this journey. They illuminate the path and give us strength when the road becomes difficult. They remind us of the ultimate reward waiting for us at the end of our pilgrimage. In the realm of glory, faith and love will be rewarded with everlasting joy and eternal bliss.

So, my friend, let us embrace the road less traveled. Let us not be discouraged by the opinions of others or the hardships we may face along the way. For in choosing this path, we are choosing a life of purpose and fulfillment. We are choosing to walk towards a joy that never fades, towards a glory that knows no end.

May this hymn serve as a reminder to all those who feel misunderstood or judged for their choices. You are not alone in your journey. There are others who have walked this road before you, and there will be others who will walk it after you. Remember that the road less traveled is not an easy one, but it is a road that leads to immeasurable joy and everlasting glory.

So, my friend, take heart and keep walking. Trust in your faith, embrace love, and continue on this journey with a willing spirit. The road may be long and challenging, but the rewards at the end will make every step worth it. What thousands never knew the road, but you do. Embrace it, cherish it, and let it lead you to the joys on high.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the hidden path to joy and glory. Don't let others' judgments deter you. Embrace the road less traveled for eternal rewards. Find out what thousands never knew.
What Thousands Never Knew The Road - Hymn Lyric - Discover the hidden path to joy and glory. Don't let others' judgments deter you. Embrace the road less traveled for eternal rewards. Find out what thousands never knew.