What Wonderful Love Has The Savior Shown – Hymn Lyric

Experience the extraordinary love of Jesus Christ. Reflect on the sacrifice he made on Calvary. Sing of the wonderful love that knows no bounds. Discover the beauty and power of What Wonderful Love Has The Savior Shown.

What Wonderful Love Has The Savior Shown – Hymn Lyric

Reflecting on the of Jesus: What Wonderful Love Has The Savior ShownIn this captivating hymn, we are reminded of the incredible love that Jesus demonstrated on the . This love goes beyond our understanding, reaching into the depths of our souls and inviting us to respond with gratitude and devotion. Let us rejoice in this wondrous love, which offers hope, healing, and dwelling with our Savior.


What Wonderful Love Has The Savior Shown – Hymn Lyric

What wonderful love has the shown!
He suffered on ,
No love that is greater was ever known-
The love he has shown for me.

I’ll sing of the love of Jesus,
Of love so full and free,
The wonderful love of Jesus,
Who suffered and died for me.

My trust is in him who was crucified,
But now is enthroned above,
I’ll drink from this found until satisfied,
And filled with his wondrous love. [Refrain]

The Saviour has gone to prepare a home
For all who by faith obey,
When earth-life is over he bids us come
And dwell with him there for aye. [Refrain]


Meaning of What Wonderful Love Has The Savior Shown

What Wonderful Love Has The Savior Shown: Reflecting on the Love of Jesus

In the hearts of believers, there is an eternal flame, fueled by the overwhelming love that Jesus Christ has shown. This love is unlike any other, for it is a love that knows no limits, a love that willingly took on the agony of Calvary. From the depths of his being, Jesus displayed a love that forever changed the course of history. It is this extraordinary love that we will explore, rejoicing in the truth that Jesus suffered and died for each one of us.

As the hymn declares, “What wonderful love has the Savior shown! He suffered on Calvary, No love that is greater was ever known- The love he has shown for me.” These lyrics resonate deeply within our souls, reminding us of the Jesus made on that cross. It is a love that knows no bounds, reaching beyond time and space to embrace all who open their hearts to receive it.

I’ll sing of the love of Jesus, Of love so full and free, The wonderful love of Jesus, Who suffered and died for me. These words echo the sentiments of countless believers throughout the ages. The love of Jesus is not a mere sentiment or a superficial emotion; it is a love that demands our attention and devotion. It is a love that calls us to sing its praises, to proclaim its greatness to all who will listen.

In times of darkness and despair, it is the love of Jesus that becomes our guiding light. When we feel lost and alone, his love embraces us, assuring us that we are never truly abandoned. It is a love that sees our brokenness and offers healing, a love that lifts us up and gives us the strength to carry on. This love is not conditional or judgmental; it is pure and unwavering, extending grace and forgiveness to all who seek it.

“My trust is in him who was crucified, But now is enthroned above, I’ll drink from this found until satisfied, And filled with his wondrous love.” These words capture the essence of our faith, reminding us that our trust is in the crucified and Savior. Jesus’ death on the cross was not the end of the story; it was the beginning of a glorious victory over and death. His resurrection paved the way for us to experience the fullness of his wondrous love.

In this journey of faith, we are invited to drink deeply from the wellspring of his love until we are satisfied. This love is not meant to be kept to ourselves; it is meant to be shared, overflowing from our hearts to touch the lives of those around us. As we experience the richness of Jesus’ love, we become vessels of his grace and compassion, his light in a world that so desperately needs it.

“The Saviour has gone to prepare a home, For all who by faith obey, When earth-life is over he bids us come, And dwell with him there for aye.” These verses remind us of the glorious hope that awaits us as followers of Christ. Jesus has gone ahead of us to prepare a home, a place of eternal peace and joy. This world is not our final destination; it is merely a temporary dwelling place. Our true home is in the loving embrace of our Savior, where we will dwell with him for eternity.

As we contemplate the depths of Jesus’ love, we are compelled to respond. We cannot help but sing of his love, for it is a love that deserves to be celebrated and shared. May our hearts overflow with gratitude for the wonderful love that the Savior has shown, and may we reflect that love in our words and actions. Let us be instruments of his love, extending grace and forgiveness to those around us, just as he has done for us.

In conclusion, the hymn “What Wonderful Love Has The Savior Shown” captures the essence of the extraordinary love that Jesus Christ displayed on Calvary. It is a love that knows no bounds, a love that willingly sacrificed everything for each one of us. Let us never cease to sing of this love, basking in its richness and joy. May we be forever grateful for the love of Jesus, a love so full and free, and may it inspire us to live lives that reflect the beauty of his love to the world.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the extraordinary love of Jesus Christ. Reflect on the sacrifice he made on Calvary. Sing of the wonderful love that knows no bounds. Discover the beauty and power of What Wonderful Love Has The Savior Shown.
What Wonderful Love Has The Savior Shown - Hymn Lyric - Experience the extraordinary love of Jesus Christ. Reflect on the sacrifice he made on Calvary. Sing of the wonderful love that knows no bounds. Discover the beauty and power of What Wonderful Love Has The Savior Shown.