When Brighter Suns And Milder Skies – Hymn Lyric
Experience the wonders of nature as the bright sun and mild skies signal the start of a new year, filling us with joy and hope. Like a chorus of praise, Earth’s voices join together to celebrate the blessings of life. Let us embrace the promise of eternal spring, where there is no more darkness, only rest and peace in the loving embrace of God.
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When Brighter Suns And Milder Skies – Hymn Lyric
When brighter suns and milder skies proclaim the op’ning year,
What various sounds of joy arise! What prospects bright appear!
Earth and her thousand voices give their thousand notes of praise;
And all that by His mercy live, to God their offering raise.
Thus, like the morning, calm and clear that saw the Saviour rise,
The spring of heaven’s eternal year shall dawn on earth and skies.
No winter there, no shades of night obscure those mansion blest,
Where, in the happy fields of light, the weary are at rest.
Meaning of When Brighter Suns And Milder Skies
As the days grow longer and the sun shines brighter, we can’t help but feel a sense of joy and hope in the air. The changing of seasons brings us a renewed sense of life and vitality, just like how the hymn “When Brighter Suns And Milder Skies” describes the beauty and wonder of nature.
When we look around us, we see the world coming alive with the sounds of nature – birds chirping, bees buzzing, flowers blooming. It’s as if all of creation is joining together in a chorus of praise to God, thanking Him for the blessings of the new season.
And just as the hymn speaks of the eternal spring of heaven, we can’t help but imagine a place where there is no more winter, no more darkness. A place where the weary find rest and peace in the warm embrace of God’s love.
So as we embrace the changing of seasons and all the wonders it brings, let us remember to give thanks for the beauty that surrounds us. Let us take time to appreciate the little things – a gentle breeze, a blooming flower, a bright blue sky.
In this world of chaos and uncertainty, it’s important to hold on to the hope and promise of a brighter future. Just as the hymn reminds us, the dawn of a new day is coming, where peace and joy will reign forever.
So let us rejoice in the beauty of nature, in the changing of seasons, and in the promise of a brighter tomorrow. For just as the sun rises each morning, bringing light and warmth to the world, so too will God’s love shine upon us, guiding us on our journey towards eternal joy and peace.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!