When Jesus Was Asked By His Servants – Hymn Lyric

Discover the lesson of humility and compassion in the hymn "When Jesus Was Asked By His Servants." Learn how to find true greatness in the eyes of our Master and ensure a welcome into Heaven.

When Jesus Was Asked By His Servants – Hymn Lyric

“When Was Asked By His Servants: A Lesson in Humility and Compassion” reminds us that true greatness lies not in wealth and honor, but in embodying the qualities of meekness, trust, and . The hymn encourages us to seek redemption from our pride and hardness of heart, and instead, to become like children in the eyes of Jesus. By serving others with humility and compassion, we can find true fulfillment and ensure a welcome into .


When Jesus Was Asked By His Servants – Hymn Lyric

When Jesus was asked by His servants one day,
Who greatest in Heaven would be,
He beckoned a little one to Him and said,
Such only shall enter with Me.

O Master, redeem us from hardness and pride,
And make us a in Thy sight;
With meekness and trust may our bosom be filled,
And love guide our actions aright.

Tho’ honor and riches may brighten our way,
And friends gather round with their cheer,
Except we are willing the poorest to serve,
No welcome to Heaven we’ll hear.


God the children because they are pure,
And all may be such by His grace;
Thro’ crosses and cares we may rise to His throne,
And shine in the light of His face.



Meaning of When Jesus Was Asked By His Servants

When Jesus Was Asked By His Servants: A Lesson in Humility and Compassion

In this beautiful hymn, we are reminded of a powerful lesson that Jesus taught His disciples when they asked Him about greatness in Heaven. Instead of pointing to those who are honored and wealthy, Jesus beckoned a little child to Him and said, “Such only shall enter with Me.” This verse sets the tone for the message of the hymn as it encourages us to seek redemption from hardness and pride, and strive to become like children in the eyes of our Master.

Oftentimes, we may find ourselves caught up in the pursuit of worldly achievements and success. We may think that our worth lies in the honor and riches we accumulate, or in the number of friends we have who cheer us on. However, Jesus reminds us that these things are not what truly matter when it comes to entrance into Heaven. Instead, it is the willingness to serve the poorest among us and the embodiment of meekness, trust, and love that guide our actions, which opens the to God’s kingdom.

The refrain of the hymn calls upon Jesus to redeem us from our hardness and pride. It recognizes that these qualities can hinder our ability to be like children in His sight. Children are known for their , purity, and trust. They approach the world with open hearts and open minds. They do not hold grudges or harbor ill feelings. Instead, they love unconditionally and forgive easily. These are the traits that Jesus wants us to embrace. By doing so, we can find true fulfillment and .

It is important to note that Jesus blesses the children because of their purity. He sees their potential and the grace within them, and He desires for all of us to obtain this purity through His love and grace. We are reminded that no matter our circumstances or struggles, we all have the opportunity to rise to God’s throne and shine in the light of His face.

The hymn suggests that crosses and cares can lead us closer to God’s throne. It is through our trials and challenges that we grow in faith and learn to rely on His strength. This echoes the teachings of Jesus, who often emphasized the importance of taking up our cross and following Him. As we face difficulties, we can learn to lean on Him for guidance, comfort, and support. Through His example, we learn to selflessly serve others, just as He served us.

In a world that often values success and self-centeredness, Jesus’ teachings serve as a reminder of the true to greatness. It is not found in the accumulation of wealth and power, but in humility, compassion, and love. We are called to look beyond ourselves and see the needs of those around us, especially the poorest among us. It is in showing kindness and serving others that we truly reflect the heart of Jesus.

In conclusion, the hymn “When Jesus Was Asked By His Servants” reminds us of the important lesson Jesus taught His disciples. Rather than pointing to the wealthy and honored as examples of greatness, Jesus embraced a little child and emphasized the qualities of meekness, trust, and love. He encouraged His followers to let go of their pride and hardness of heart, and instead, to become like children in His sight. Through this hymn, we are encouraged to seek redemption from our worldly pursuits and to focus on serving others with humility and compassion. By doing so, we can find true greatness in the eyes of our Master and ensure a welcome into Heaven.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the lesson of humility and compassion in the hymn When Jesus Was Asked By His Servants. Learn how to find true greatness in the eyes of our Master and ensure a welcome into Heaven.
When Jesus Was Asked By His Servants - Hymn Lyric - Discover the lesson of humility and compassion in the hymn "When Jesus Was Asked By His Servants." Learn how to find true greatness in the eyes of our Master and ensure a welcome into Heaven.