When Out In The Conflict For Jesus My Lord – Hymn Lyric

Discover the Unspeakable Preciousness of Jesus in the midst of life's challenges and find strength

When Out In The Conflict For Jesus My Lord – Hymn Lyric

Experience the unspeakable preciousness of Jesus as you venture into the world, standing firm in your faith and sharing His love with others. Find comfort, strength, and unwavering hope in Him, knowing that no challenge is too great with Jesus by your side. Embrace the privilege of knowing Jesus as your and Savior, as He guides and sustains you through every , trial, and even beyond the powers of death and the grave.


When Out In The Conflict For Jesus My Lord – Hymn Lyric

When out in the conflict for Jesus my Lord,
No foe could compel me to flee;
I knew I would conquer while trusting his word,
For he was so precious to me.

O glory to God, my soul is aflame,
I’m happy, exultant and free,
For Jesus is precious, O praise his dear name,
Unspeakable precious to me.

When wearied and burden’d with trial and care,
And I could not foresee;
I always found comfort from Jesus in prayer,
For he was so precious to me.

O glory to God, my soul is aflame,
I’m happy, exultant and free,
For Jesus is precious, O praise his dear name,
Unspeakable precious to me.

And now I have finished the duties he gave,
The end of my labors I see;
I fear not the power of death or the grave,
For he is so precious to me.

O glory to God, my soul is aflame,
I’m happy, exultant and free,
For Jesus is precious, O praise his dear name,
Unspeakable precious to me.

The Saviour is calling, I’ll soon reach my home,
And there in his image I’ll be;
And thro’ all the ages I know he’ll become
Increasingly precious to me.

O glory to God, my soul is aflame,
I’m happy, exultant and free,
For Jesus is precious, O praise his dear name,
Unspeakable precious to me.


Meaning of When Out In The Conflict For Jesus My Lord

When Out in the Conflict for Jesus My Lord: Discovering the Unspeakable Preciousness of Jesus

As I venture out into the world, standing firm in my faith and striving to share the love of Jesus with others, I am reminded of the immense power and comfort that comes from knowing Him. In times of trials and challenges, when it feels like the weight of the world is on my shoulders, Jesus is my unwavering source of strength and hope. The “When Out in the Conflict for Jesus My Lord” beautifully encapsulates the deep connection and unwavering trust we can have in our Savior.

In the midst of adversity, this hymn reassures us of the victory we can claim when we our trust in Jesus. It proclaims, “No foe could compel me to flee; I knew I would conquer while trusting his word, For he was so precious to me.” This declaration fills my heart with joy and confidence, knowing that no matter what challenges may arise, Jesus will empower me to overcome them. He is my shield and my refuge, offering me unwavering protection against the trials and tribulations of life.

But it is not just in times of difficulty that Jesus reveals his preciousness to me. Even when I am burdened with the daily struggles and worries that come with being human, Jesus is my constant companion and source of comfort. The hymn reminds me of this when it says, “And sorrows I could not foresee; I always found comfort from Jesus in prayer, For he was so precious to me.”

Through prayer, I am able to pour out my heart to Jesus, sharing my joys, sorrows, hopes, and fears. In those moments of vulnerability, He wraps His loving arms around me, offering solace and peace that surpasses all understanding. I find reassurance in knowing that Jesus is attentive to my prayers and that His precious presence is always available to bring me comfort.

As I reflect on the journey of my life thus far, I am amazed by the ways in which Jesus has been incredibly precious to me. Through every triumph and every trial, He has sustained me, guided me, and provided me with unwavering strength. The hymn declares, “And now I have finished the duties he gave, The end of my labors I see; I fear not the power of death or the grave, For he is so precious to me.”

The prospect of death can be daunting and unsettling, but with Jesus by my side, I face it with unwavering faith and hope. His preciousness extends beyond this world, assuring me of an eternal home in His presence. The hymn reminds me of this beautiful truth, that Jesus awaits me in my home, where I will be transformed into His image. And throughout all , Jesus will continue to reveal His preciousness to me, growing increasingly precious as the ages go by.

As I contemplate the profound message embedded within this hymn, I am filled with awe and gratitude for the unspeakable preciousness of Jesus. His love, grace, and are unparalleled, and they sustain me in every aspect of my life. I am grateful for the opportunity to spread His message of hope and , knowing that He is the answer to every heart.

In conclusion, “When Out in the Conflict for Jesus My Lord” serves as a beautiful testament to the deep connection and unwavering trust we can have in Jesus. It reminds us that no matter what challenges we face or burdens we carry, Jesus is always there to guide us, strengthen us, and bring us comfort. His precious presence fills us with joy, hope, and an unshakeable faith that transcends even the powers of death and the grave. As we journey through life, may we never forget the tremendous privilege and unspeakable preciousness of knowing Jesus, our Lord and Savior.


Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image

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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the Unspeakable Preciousness of Jesus in the midst of life's challenges and find strength, comfort, and hope in Him. Explore the power of trust and unwavering faith in When Out in the Conflict for Jesus My Lord. Embrace the victorious life Jesus offers as you navigate the trials and tribulations of the world.
When Out In The Conflict For Jesus My Lord - Hymn Lyric - Discover the Unspeakable Preciousness of Jesus in the midst of life's challenges and find strength, comfort, and hope in Him. Explore the power of trust and unwavering faith in "When Out in the Conflict for Jesus My Lord." Embrace the victorious life Jesus offers as you navigate the trials and tribulations of the world.