When The Voice Of Jesus Calls Me – Hymn Lyric

Discover the power of Jesus' voice and the hope it brings. Embrace a journey of faith and find comfort in His guidance through life's challenges. When The Voice Of Jesus Calls Me: A Journey of Faith and Hope to the Pearly Gates.

When The Voice Of Jesus Calls Me – Hymn Lyric

“When The Voice Of Jesus Calls Me: A Journey of Faith and Hope” is a that reminds us of the comforting presence of Jesus in our lives. It highlights the importance of trusting in His voice and leaning on Him during challenging times. Through this calling, we are filled with hope as we strive towards a future filled with blessings and peace.


When The Voice Of Jesus Calls Me – Hymn Lyric

When the voice of Jesus calls me,
And the angels whisper low,
I will lean upon my Savior,
In the valley as I go;

I will claim His precious promise,
Worth to me a of gold-
Fear no evil, I’ll be with you,
When the pearly gates unfold.

I have giv’n up all for Jesus,
This vain world is naught to me,
All its pleasures are forgotten,
In remembering Calvary.

Though my friends despise, forsake me,
And on me the world looks cold,
I’ve a friend who will stand by me,
Till the pearly gates unfold.

Just beyond the waves of Jordan,
Just beyond the chilly tide,
Blooms the tree of life immortal,
Where the living waters glide.

In that happy land of spirits,
Flowers bloom on hills of gold,
And the angels are in waiting,
When the pearly gates unfold.


Meaning of When The Voice Of Jesus Calls Me

When The Voice Of Jesus Calls Me: A Journey of Faith and Hope

In the journey of life, there are moments when we hear a voice calling out to us, guiding us towards a of love, peace, and . It is the voice of Jesus, reaching out to us, reminding us of His eternal presence, and offering us comfort and assurance in troubled times. This hymn beautifully captures the essence of this divine calling and the hope it brings as we navigate through the valleys and challenges of life.

“When the voice of Jesus calls me,

And the angels whisper low,

I will lean upon my Savior,

In the valley as I go;”

When we hear the voice of Jesus, it is as if a gentle whisper from heaven beckoning us to closer. His voice is filled with love and tenderness, inviting us to lean upon Him, to trust in Him completely. In the midst of the valleys, when and uncertainty surround us, Jesus stands as our constant companion, guiding us through the trials and tribulations.

“I will claim His precious promise,

Worth to me a world of gold-

Fear no evil, I’ll be with you,

When the pearly gates unfold.”

In the face of fear and doubt, Jesus offers us the precious promise of His presence, worth more than any earthly treasure. With Him by our side, we need not fear any evil that may come our way. As we walk through the gates of eternity, His faithful love and protection will accompany us, reminding us of the hope that lies beyond.

“I have giv’n up all for Jesus,

This vain world is naught to me,

All its pleasures are forgotten,

In remembering Calvary.”

Choosing to follow Jesus often means leaving behind the allurements and distractions of the world. It requires making sacrifices and turning away from worldly desires. Yet, in doing so, we find that the pleasures and temptations of this world pale in comparison to the eternal significance of remembering Calvary. The sacrifice Jesus made on the cross becomes the lens through which we view life, enabling us to prioritize love and grace above all else.

“Though my friends despise, forsake me,

And on me the world looks cold,

I’ve a friend who will stand by me,

Till the pearly gates unfold.”

In moments of loneliness and rejection, Jesus stands as our unwavering friend, offering comfort and solace. Even when the world might turn its back on us, Jesus remains steadfast, walking beside us through every trial and tribulation. His unconditional love and friendship provide us with the strength to persevere, knowing that beyond the pearly gates, an eternal home awaits.

“Just beyond the waves of Jordan,

Just beyond the chilly tide,

Blooms the tree of life immortal,

Where the living waters glide.”

The journey of faith often requires us to cross treacherous waters, symbolic of the trials and challenges we must face. Just beyond these daunting obstacles lies the tree of life, a symbol of immortality and eternal . The living waters that flow from this tree symbolize the abundance of grace and blessings that await us in the promised land.

“In that happy land of spirits,

Flowers bloom on hills of gold,

And the angels are in waiting,

When the pearly gates unfold.”

Finally, as we approach the pearly gates, we enter into a land of unimaginable joy and beauty. It is a where flowers bloom on hills of gold, radiating a warmth and serenity that touch our souls. The angels, those celestial beings who carry out God’s divine will, eagerly await our arrival, ready to celebrate our homecoming and share in our eternal happiness.

In conclusion, “When The Voice Of Jesus Calls Me” encapsulates the essence of faith, hope, and the unbreakable bond we share with our Savior. It reminds us that, no matter the challenges we face, Jesus is always there, guiding and protecting us through the valleys of life. As we journey towards the pearly gates, we are filled with the hope of reaching a land where eternal joy and love abound. Let us heed the voice of Jesus, lean upon Him, and embrace the promise of a life filled with blessings and everlasting peace.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover the power of Jesus' voice and the hope it brings. Embrace a journey of faith and find comfort in His guidance through life's challenges. When The Voice Of Jesus Calls Me: A Journey of Faith and Hope to the Pearly Gates.
When The Voice Of Jesus Calls Me - Hymn Lyric - Discover the power of Jesus' voice and the hope it brings. Embrace a journey of faith and find comfort in His guidance through life's challenges. When The Voice Of Jesus Calls Me: A Journey of Faith and Hope to the Pearly Gates.