When Upon The Raging Waters – Hymn Lyric

Discover Hope & Strength in Life's Storms. "When Upon The Raging Waters" hymn reminds us of Jesus' presence & support in our darkest times. Find solace & guidance in Him.

When Upon The Raging Waters – Hymn Lyric

“When Upon The Raging Waters: Finding in the Midst of Life’s Storms” is a that reminds us of the continuous presence and support of Jesus during our toughest times. Through vivid imagery, the hymn highlights the comfort and encouragement we can find in Jesus’ voice, the strength to weather life’s storms, the trust to face the darkness, and the certainty that His voice will sustain us even in death. This hymn serves as a source of solace, guidance, and strength, reminding us that we need not be afraid.


When Upon The Raging Waters – Hymn Lyric

When upon the raging waters,
In the dark and stormy night,
The disciples hard were toiling,
Weary with the losing fight;
When their hearts were filled with terror,
And their fears would not be laid,
Then the voice of Jesus cheered them:
It is I, be not afraid!

When the storms of life assail us,
Billows on ev’ry hand,
When the wind’s discordant shrieking
Echoes far o’er sea and land;
When the enemies have gathered
And their worst attacks have made;
Then our Savior’s voice sustains us:
It is I, be not afraid!

When we seem to walk in darkness,
Threatened by the pow’rs of hell,
When we no ray of mercy
Can the heavy gloom dispel;
When the hand of sorrow
Like a pall on us is laid,
Jesus’ voice sounds thro’ the darkness:
It is I, be not afraid!

Ah, what we regard as danger
Often is but fancy wrought,
And our foolish dread of darkness
Specters sees where there is naught;
We forget our Savior’s promise,
Which so solemnly He made,
When He bids us cease our worry:
It is I, be not afraid!

When at last our pathway brings us
To the vale that leads to death,
When the darkness soon enfolds us
And we feebly gasp for breath,
Yet our hearts their trust will strengthen,
As we enter in death’s shade,
For our Savior’s voice will cheer us:
It is I, be not afraid!



Meaning of When Upon The Raging Waters

When Upon The Raging Waters: Finding Hope in the Midst of Life’s Storms


Life is filled with ups and downs, and sometimes it feels like we are caught in a never-ending storm. We face challenges, fears, and uncertainty that leave us feeling overwhelmed and alone. However, in the midst of these raging waters, there is a glimmer of hope. Just as Jesus once comforted His disciples in their greatest time of need, He continues to extend His assurance to us today. The hymn, “When Upon The Raging Waters,” reminds us of the continuous presence and support of our Savior, even in the fiercest storms of life. Through this hymn, we can find solace, guidance, and strength to face our own struggles, knowing that we are not alone.

Verse 1: Finding Comfort in Jesus’ Voice

The hymn paints a vivid picture of the disciples toiling on a treacherous sea, weary and fearful. In moments of desperation, Jesus’ voice breaks through the chaos, comforting and encouraging them: “It is I, be not afraid!” This reassurance offers a powerful reminder that, no matter how intense the circumstances may be, we can find solace in Jesus’ presence. Just as the disciples discovered, we learn that trusting in Him allows us to overcome our fears and face life’s storms with strength.

Verse 2: Weathering the Storms of Life

The hymn takes us beyond the physical storms of the sea and delves into the metaphorical storms we encounter in our lives. Just as billows rise on every hand and the wind’s shrieking echoes far and wide, we often find ourselves surrounded by difficulties, opposition, and uncertainty. Yet, like the disciples, we are not alone in that tumultuous journey. Jesus’ voice sustains and empowers us, giving us hope amidst the chaos. When we face enemies and their attacks, we can take refuge in the assurance that our Savior is with us, providing guidance and strength to endure.

Verse 3: Trusting in the Darkness

At times, life may appear devoid of light, and the powers of hell seem to threaten our very existence. The hymn conveys the feeling of a heavy darkness that clouds our hearts, leaving little room for hope or joy. However, just as the disciples found solace in Jesus’ voice during the darkest moments, we too can trust in His promise to bring light to our lives. In times of sorrow and despair, we are reminded not to be afraid, for Jesus’ voice breaks through the darkness, offering us comfort, peace, and a glimmer of hope.

Verse 4: Overcoming Fear and Worry

As human beings, it is natural for us to fear the unknown, to worry about the future, and to see threats where there are none. Yet, the hymn reminds us that often, our fears are based on illusions and our worries are unnecessary. Jesus, in His and wisdom, reassures us not to be afraid. He calls us to remember His promise and to trust Him wholeheartedly. By focusing on His voice of comfort and encouragement, we can free ourselves from unnecessary worry, finding peace in His presence.

Verse 5: The Final Journey

Life’s storms will eventually lead us to the vale of death, a that none of us can avoid. As humans, our mortal bodies will one day fade away, and we will face our final moments. However, even in the face of impending death, our hearts can be filled with trust and hope. The hymn assures us that, in those final moments, Jesus’ voice will cheer us once more, providing us with the strength and assurance we need to face our final journey. His voice transcends death’s shade, reminding us that we are not alone even in our last moments.

In Conclusion:

The hymn “When Upon The Raging Waters” offers a powerful reminder of the continuous presence and unwavering support of our Savior in the midst of life’s storms. Just as Jesus comforted His disciples in their darkest moments, He continues to extend His reassurance to us today. By His voice, we can find solace, guidance, and strength to face our own struggles, knowing that we are not alone. May this hymn serve as a comforting reminder that, in the midst of life’s raging waters, there is hope, and we need not be afraid.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Discover Hope & Strength in Life's Storms. When Upon The Raging Waters hymn reminds us of Jesus' presence & support in our darkest times. Find solace & guidance in Him.
When Upon The Raging Waters - Hymn Lyric - Discover Hope & Strength in Life's Storms. "When Upon The Raging Waters" hymn reminds us of Jesus' presence & support in our darkest times. Find solace & guidance in Him.