With All My Heart I Love Thee Lord – Hymn Lyric

Delve into the heartfelt hymn "With All My Heart I Love Thee Lord" that expresses deep devotion and surrender to God. Find solace in his unwavering love and constant presence. Surrender yourself to His will and experience true fulfillment.

With All My Heart I Love Thee Lord – Hymn Lyric

“With All My Heart I ” is a hymn that expresses deep love and devotion to God. The author acknowledges the emptiness of worldly joys and surrenders themselves completely to God’s will, seeking His guidance and protection. Through heartfelt declarations and prayers, this hymn serves as a reminder of the importance of surrendering to God and finding solace in His unfailing love.


With All My Heart I Love Thee Lord – Hymn Lyric

With all my heart I love Thee, Lord;
Forsake me not, but still afford
Thy ready help and favor:

The world, its joys delight me not,
Nor earth nor heav’en could be my lot,
Wert Thou not mine forever.

And should my heart with sorrow break,
Thyself my portion I will make,
My trust, my heart’s delight, my all,
Whose blood redeemed me from the fall:
Lord Jesus Christ!

My God and Lord! Thy gracious name
Preserve me from eternal shame.

My body, soul, and all I have
Are Thine, O Lord, to keep and save,
In this our life of sadness:

I pray Thee grant me daily grace,
To use each gift to Thy sole praise,
For other’s good and gladness:

From doctrine false, from error wild,
From ‘s lies protect Thy child!

My soul with Thy whole strength prepare,
My cross in meekest love to bear:
Lord Jesus Christ!

My God and Lord! Thy gracious name
Preserve me from eternal shame.

My soul let Thine own angels dear,
To Abram’s bosom bear and ,
When she her flight is taking:

My body, in its chamber still,
Securely keep from wrong and ill,
Till earth’s last great awaking:

Then raise me, Lord, to be with Thee,
That these mine eyes with joy may see,
O of God, Thy glorious face.

My Savior, and my fount of grace!
Lord Jesus Christ,

Thy servant hear! hear, I implore,
That I may praise Thee evermore!


Meaning of With All My Heart I Love Thee Lord

With All My Heart I Love Thee Lord: A Hymn of Devotion and Surrender

Introduction :

In this hymn, the author expresses their strong love and devotion to the Lord. Their heartfelt plea for God’s constant presence and assistance reflects a deep understanding that worldly joys cannot compare to the eternal love of the . With a and grateful heart, the author entrusts their entire being to God, seeking His guidance, protection, and daily grace. Through this hymn, we are reminded of the importance of surrendering ourselves to God’s will and finding solace in His unfailing love.

Verse 1: Love and Devotion

The opening verse of this hymn sets the tone of love and devotion towards the Lord. The author wholeheartedly affirms their love for God, recognizing the emptiness of worldly delights in comparison to the eternal joy found in Him. This declaration of love highlights the intimate connection the author feels with God, representing a genuine relationship rooted in faith and trust.

It is in this verse that we see the yearning for God’s presence and help. The author pleads for the Lord to never forsake them, acknowledging that without God, life on Earth would hold no meaning or purpose. This evocative plea demonstrates the author’s understanding that true fulfillment and contentment can only be found in an enduring relationship with God.

Verse 2: Surrender and Trust

The second verse of this hymn emphasizes the concept of surrendering oneself completely to the Lord. The author acknowledges that their body, soul, and everything they possess belong to God. This act of surrender is rooted in a to be kept and saved by God, recognizing that only in His care can they find true security and protection.

A resounding theme in this verse is the author’s intention to use every gift they have been blessed with to God and bring joy to others. This selfless attitude reflects a deep understanding that our talents and blessings are not meant solely for our own gain, but rather to fulfill God’s purpose and bring goodness to the world.

Additionally, the author prays for guidance in discerning and avoiding false doctrines and the temptations of Satan. This plea demonstrates a belief in the importance of remaining committed to God’s truth and staying vigilant against the snares of deceit. In this way, the author’s surrender is not passive but active, requiring steadfastness in faith and a determination to follow God’s path.

Conclusion: A Prayer of Worship and Gratitude

In the concluding verse of this hymn, the author offers a prayer of worship and gratitude to the Lord. They ask that God’s angels guide and comfort their soul, leading them to a place of rest and peace. The author trusts in God’s providence, asking for protection and safekeeping until the ultimate awakening of the final day.

Ultimately, this hymn serves as a reminder of the transformative power of surrendering to God’s will. Through heartfelt expressions of love, devotion, and trust, the author exemplifies a deep and personal relationship with the Lord. They recognize that true joy and fulfillment can only be found in a faithful union with God, and they commit their entire being to His service.

We are reminded by this hymn to embrace our relationship with God wholeheartedly, surrendering ourselves to His guidance, protection, and grace. In doing so, we can experience the joy of knowing we are loved, upheld, and saved by our Lord Jesus Christ. May this hymn serve as an inspiration for all who seek to cultivate a deeper connection with God and find solace in His constant presence.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Delve into the heartfelt hymn With All My Heart I Love Thee Lord that expresses deep devotion and surrender to God. Find solace in his unwavering love and constant presence. Surrender yourself to His will and experience true fulfillment.
With All My Heart I Love Thee Lord - Hymn Lyric - Delve into the heartfelt hymn "With All My Heart I Love Thee Lord" that expresses deep devotion and surrender to God. Find solace in his unwavering love and constant presence. Surrender yourself to His will and experience true fulfillment.