Wonderful Grace Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Embrace the Wonderful Grace of Self-Acceptance. Discover the boundless love and compassion of Jesus' grace in your journey of self-discovery. Find peace and liberation within.

Wonderful Grace Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Embracing the wonderful of self-acceptance is like navigating a rolling sea of emotions, where we confront our vulnerabilities and with compassion. Just as the profound hymn celebrates the “wonderful grace of Jesus,” we are reminded that this grace is deeper than our faults and shame, inviting us to embrace our humanity fully. Let grace be your anchor in self-discovery, guiding you towards self-love, forgiveness, and a connection to your true, infinite potential.


Wonderful Grace Of Jesus – Hymn Lyric

Wonderful grace of Jesus,
Greater than all my sin;
How my tongue describe it,
Where shall its begin?
Taking away my burden,
Setting my spirit free;
For the wonderful grace of Jesus reaches me.

Wonderful the matchless grace of Jesus,
Deeper than the mighty rolling sea;
Wonderful grace, all sufficient for me, for even me.
Broader than the scope of my transgressions,
Greater far than all my sin and shame,
O magnify the precious Name of Jesus.
Praise His Name!

Wonderful grace of Jesus,
Reaching to all the lost,
By it I have been pardoned,
Saved to the uttermost,
Chains have been torn asunder,
Giving me liberty;
For the wonderful grace of Jesus reaches me.

Wonderful grace of Jesus,
Reaching the most defiled,
By its transforming power,
Making him God’s dear child,
Purchasing and heaven,
For all eternity;
And the wonderful grace of Jesus reaches me.


Meaning of Wonderful Grace Of Jesus

Embracing the Wonderful Grace of Self-Acceptance

In the quiet moments of our lives, when the dawn is still stretching its golden fingers across the horizon and the world yet slumbers, we find ourselves confronted with the vastness of our own existence. It is in these still, introspective spaces that we come to wrestle with our deepest vulnerabilities and the truths that lie concealed in the shadows of our being.

The journey of self-discovery is akin to navigating a mighty rolling sea, vast and deep, with waves that are sometimes gentle and other times tumultuous. The words that resound within my spirit today are those from a profound hymn, celebrating the “wonderful grace of Jesus,” which beckons us to contemplate the grace and love that extends far beyond our faults and failings, the profound compassion that calls us to embrace our humanity in its entirety.

“Wonderful grace of Jesus, greater than all my sin; how shall my tongue describe it, where shall its praise begin?” How, indeed, do we articulate the magnitude of grace? It is something to be felt more than spoken, a gentle whisper in our souls that assures us that despite our transgressions and the weight of our shame, we are enveloped in love that knows no bounds.

As we journey inward, we often carry burdens; the heavy chains of past mistakes, guilt, and self-doubt. But let us reflect on the truth that grace takes these burdens away, sets our spirits free, and invites us into a liberating dance with our true selves. It assures us that no matter how deep the waters of our struggles, grace is deeper still. It tells us that we are sufficient, just as we are, for even in our moments of weakness and imperfection, we are embraced fully.

“Broader than the scope of my transgressions, greater far than all my sin and shame.” When we confront our shadows, when we stand face-to-face with the darkest corners of our hearts, grace encourages us to extend a hand in , to become allies with our own imperfections. It is through this acceptance that we begin to see the beauty in our brokenness, the divine in our fragility.

Think of the metaphor of grace “reaching to all the lost,” pardoning and saving “to the uttermost.” This is the boundless love that finds you in moments of despair, lifts you up, and whispers that you are never beyond redemption. It tears asunder the chains that hold you back, granting you the liberty to rise anew each day. In this liberation, we are invited to forgive ourselves, to let go of the chains of past errors and to step into the light of our true, unblemished potential.

Contemplate the grace that “reaches the most defiled,” transforming us into embodiments of divine love. We are reminded that grace does not adhere to the human constructs of worthiness; it knows no limits, no bounds. In its presence, we are purified, made whole, and elevated to a place of peace and connection with the divine.

To magnify the precious Name of Jesus is to acknowledge and this transformative power of grace in our lives. It is to embrace the gentle truth that we are finite beings woven with the threads of the infinite. It is to stand in awe of the love that reaches us, tirelessly, persistently, and wholly.

In your journey of self-discovery, dear friends, embrace the wonderful grace that meets you at every step. Allow it to be the mirror in which you see your true reflection—a being of light, love, and boundless potential. As you navigate the depths of your being, let grace be your steady anchor, guiding you with compassion and leading you into a more profound connection with yourself and the world around you.

In the peaceful moments and the stormy ones alike, may you always feel the embrace of this wonderful grace. Love yourself deeply, forgive yourself freely, and walk your with a heart open to the infinite possibilities that your existence holds.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Embrace the Wonderful Grace of Self-Acceptance. Discover the boundless love and compassion of Jesus' grace in your journey of self-discovery. Find peace and liberation within.
Wonderful Grace Of Jesus - Hymn Lyric - Embrace the Wonderful Grace of Self-Acceptance. Discover the boundless love and compassion of Jesus' grace in your journey of self-discovery. Find peace and liberation within.