Wondrous Love Of Jesus Spread The News – Hymn Lyric
The wondrous love of Jesus is an incredible and amazing love that brings pardon and forgiveness to all who believe. This love is available to anyone and everyone, including you and me. Let’s spread the news and rejoice in the fact that Jesus died to set us free.
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Wondrous Love Of Jesus Spread The News – Hymn Lyric
Wond’rous love of Jesus, spread the news around;
Pardon freely offer’d, what a joyful sound!
Jesus, loving Saviour, died to set me free;
O that blessed Whosoever! that means me.
Pardon freely offer’d all who will believe;
Whosoever cometh Jesus will receive;
Jesus, loving Saviour, died to set us free:
Hallelujah! Whosoever! that means me.
Whosoever means me better than my name,
Anyone, ev’ryone, is not that the same?
Believing is salvation, present, full and free;
Whosoever is the message, that means me.
Whosoever cometh may the promise claim,
Precious blood of Jesus cleanseth ev’ry stain:
The Son of God has lov’d me, wonder, can it be?
Whosoever, saith the Saviour, that means me.
Do not trust your feelings, trust His word alone,
Pray’rs can never save you, tears cannot atone:
Finish’d! cried the Saviour; nothing now to do,
Come, believe this Whosoever that means me.
Meaning of Wondrous Love Of Jesus Spread The News
Have you ever heard about the wondrous love of Jesus? It’s a love that is so incredible, so amazing, that it just has to be shared with everyone around! This love brings pardon and forgiveness freely to anyone who believes in Jesus. Isn’t that a joyful sound?
Jesus, our loving Savior, died on the cross to set us free from our sins. It’s hard to believe that someone would love us so much that they would sacrifice their own life for our sake. But that’s exactly what Jesus did! And the best part is, this offer of pardon and freedom is available to all, including you and me.
The word “Whosoever” is a powerful word. It means that anyone and everyone can receive this pardon and freedom. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you’ve done, Jesus is ready and willing to accept you with open arms. Just think about that for a moment. You don’t have to be a special person or do anything extraordinary to receive this love. You just have to believe.
Believing in Jesus is the key to receiving salvation. It’s not about following a set of rules or trying to be perfect. It’s about placing your trust in Jesus and accepting His love and forgiveness. And when you do, you will experience a joy and peace like never before. This salvation is present, full, and free for anyone who believes. And guess what? That means you!
Imagine the promise that is available to anyone who comes to Jesus. The precious blood of Jesus cleanses and washes away every stain of sin. It doesn’t matter how big or small the stain is, Jesus is able to remove it completely. Isn’t that incredible? The Son of God loves you so much that He is willing to make you clean and pure.
Sometimes, it can be easy to rely on our feelings to determine our faith. But the truth is, we need to trust in God’s word above all else. Our feelings may change from day to day, but God’s word remains constant and true. So, even when you’re feeling unsure or doubtful, remember to trust in what God says about His love for you.
Prayer is important, but it cannot save us. Tears cannot make up for our mistakes. It is only through Jesus and His finished work on the cross that we can find true salvation. He paid the price so that we don’t have to. All we need to do is believe and accept His love.
So, spread the news of this wondrous love of Jesus! Share it with your friends, family, and anyone who will listen. Let them know that Jesus is offering pardon freely to all who believe. There is no greater message to share than the message of salvation through Jesus Christ.
In conclusion, the wondrous love of Jesus is a love that knows no bounds. It is a love that offers pardon and forgiveness freely to all who believe. The word “Whosoever” means that this love is available to anyone and everyone, including you and me. So, let’s spread the news of this amazing love and rejoice in the fact that Jesus died to set us free. Hallelujah! Whosoever! That means me.
I hope this hymn inspired image brings you hope and peace. Share it with someone who needs it today!