You Are Losing Your Soul – Hymn Lyric

Rediscover God's love and find restoration in your soul. Explore the powerful message of "You Are Losing Your Soul" hymn and the call to return to God's love and mercy. Don't let your soul drift away.

You Are Losing Your Soul – Hymn Lyric

You Are Losing Your Soul – A Plea to Find Your Way Back to “You Are Losing Your Soul” is a hymn that gently reminds those who have drifted from God’s of the importance of staying connected to their . It highlights the dangers and consequences of straying from the , while also offering hope through Christ’s intercession. This hymn serves as a call to return to God’s love, mercy, and for a more fulfilling and purposeful life.


You Are Losing Your Soul – Hymn Lyric

You are losing your soul,
Sadly missing the goal,
You are hopelessly drifting away,
Blindly wand’ring from God
On a treacherous road,
You are far from his kingdom today.

Yet Christ intercedes
In heav’n above,
He tenderly pleads,
Like wooing dove,
Supplying your needs
In kindly love;
O cease from your drifting away!

You remember the hour
When the Spirit of pow’r
Touched your lips with his finger of grace,
When he names you his own,
When your was his throne,
And you gazed on God’s reconciled face.


Now you stumble along;
From your life all the song
Has departed, and gladness takes wing;
You are leading no one
To the feet of God’s Son,
You are false to your and King!


You are doomed to be cast
With the vilest at last,
And the fate of the guilty to share,
From God’s presence to hide,
And eternally bide
In the regions of hopeless despair!


With the ages in view,
Is it nothing to you
That the Master is calling you ?
Can you turn from the
Into darkness tonight,
From his mercy forever to roam?



Meaning of You Are Losing Your Soul

You Are Losing Your Soul – A Call to Return to God’s Love and Mercy

Introduction :

In the hymn “You Are Losing Your Soul,” the lyrics express a plea to those who have drifted away from God’s love and grace. It serves as a gentle and compassionate reminder of the importance of staying connected to our faith and the consequences of straying from the path. This article aims to explore the powerful message conveyed in the hymn, highlighting the need for reconciliation and restoration within one’s relationship with God.

1. The Danger of Drifting Away :

The first verse of the hymn paints a vivid picture of the dangers associated with straying from God’s path. It speaks of losing one’s soul and sadly missing the goal of aligning with God’s will. It uses the metaphor of drifting away on a treacherous road, emphasizing the spiritual vulnerability that accompanies distancing oneself from God. The chorus, on the other hand, provides hope by revealing Christ’s intercession and pleads for us to return.

2. Remembering the Blessings :

The second verse of the hymn prompts a reflection on the moment of spiritual awakening in one’s life when the Holy Spirit touched their lips with the grace of God. It calls to mind the experience of accepting Christ and the joy that followed. By remembering this encounter, individuals can reconnect with the love and grace that once consumed their hearts.

3. The Loss of Joy and Purpose :

The third verse of the hymn describes the consequences of drifting away from God, noting the loss of joy and the absence of a meaningful life. It illustrates how a life void of God’s presence is lacking in purpose and fulfillment. Furthermore, it highlights the impact of one’s actions on leading others astray. By understanding the negative consequences of their choices, individuals are encouraged to consider the implications of their actions on both their own lives and those around them.

4. The Grim Consequences :

The final verse of the hymn reveals the grim fate awaiting those who remain distant from God. It warns of being cast with the vilest and sharing the guilt of the condemned. The imagery of hiding from God’s presence and residing eternally in hopeless despair reinforces the severity of the consequences of a life without God. However, the chorus continues to emphasize Christ’s intercession and offers hope for salvation, urging individuals to turn away from darkness and return to God’s mercy.

Conclusion :

In conclusion, “You Are Losing Your Soul” serves as a poignant reminder of the need for individuals to maintain a strong connection with God’s love and grace. It urges individuals to reflect on their spiritual journey, remember the blessings of their faith, and consider the consequences of drifting away from God. Through Christ’s intercession, there is hope for reconciliation and restoration. Let us all answer the call to return to God’s loving embrace and cease from drifting away.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Rediscover God's love and find restoration in your soul. Explore the powerful message of You Are Losing Your Soul hymn and the call to return to God's love and mercy. Don't let your soul drift away.
You Are Losing Your Soul - Hymn Lyric - Rediscover God's love and find restoration in your soul. Explore the powerful message of "You Are Losing Your Soul" hymn and the call to return to God's love and mercy. Don't let your soul drift away.