You Ask Me How I Know That Jesus Saves Me – Hymn Lyric

Experience the life-changing power of Jesus' forgiveness and redemption. Find out how one person knows for sure that Jesus saves them. Learn more here!

You Ask Me How I Know That Jesus Saves Me – Hymn Lyric

Have you ever wondered how someone can be so sure that saves them? How they know for a fact that all their sins are forgiven and washed away? Well, let me tell you how I know. I was there when it happened, and I can tell you firsthand that Jesus saves. His Spirit came into my heart and set it on fire with and joy. It’s like a light bulb going off in my , illuminating the darkness and bringing me peace. I can’t explain it fully, but I know deep down that He forgave me and redeemed me.


You Ask Me How I Know That Jesus Saves Me – Hymn Lyric

You ask me how I know that Jesus saves me,
How I know that all my sins are white as snow;
You ask me how I know that He forgave me;
Now listen, I must tell you how I know.

I was there when it happened, and I ought to know;
His Spirit burning in me, set my heart aglow;
So I praise the Lord today, He has washed my sins away;
I was there when it happened, and I ought to know.

You ask me how I know that He redeemed me;
And how I received the peace no gold can buy;
How from the guilt and pow’r of sin He me,
Made me an heir to mansions in the sky.

And now, as thru the world I go rejoicing,
I am telling what a Savior dwells within;
How I plunged into the cleansing, crimson fountain,
And Jesus washed my soul from ev’ry sin.


Meaning of You Ask Me How I Know That Jesus Saves Me

Have you ever wondered how someone can be so sure that Jesus saves them? How they know for a fact that all their sins are forgiven and washed away? Well, let me tell you how I know.

I was there when it happened, and I can tell you firsthand that Jesus saves. His Spirit came into my heart and set it on fire with love and joy. It’s like a light bulb going off in my soul, illuminating the darkness and bringing me peace. I can’t explain it fully, but I know deep down that He forgave me and redeemed me.

I have experienced a peace that money can’t buy, a peace that surpasses all understanding. Jesus saved me from the power and guilt of sin, lifting me up and making me His own. I am now an heir to heavenly mansions, a child of with a promise of eternal .

As I through life, I carry with me the knowledge of what Jesus has done for me. I am filled with gratitude and joy, sharing the good news of salvation wherever I go. I have been cleansed in the crimson fountain of His blood, and my soul has been made pure and white as snow.

So, if you ask me how I know that Jesus saves me, I can confidently say that I was there when it happened. I witnessed His transformational power in my life, and I to feel His presence and grace every day. Jesus is not just a historical figure or a distant deity – He is a Savior who actively saves and redeems those who believe in Him.

I encourage you to seek out Jesus for yourself, to open your heart to His love and forgiveness. Don’t rely on just what others tell you, but seek a personal relationship with Him. You can also experience the joy and peace that from knowing that Jesus saves. Open your heart to Him, and you will see His transforming power at work in your life.


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Freely Shareable Hymn Inspired Image Experience the life-changing power of Jesus' forgiveness and redemption. Find out how one person knows for sure that Jesus saves them. Learn more here!
You Ask Me How I Know That Jesus Saves Me - Hymn Lyric - Experience the life-changing power of Jesus' forgiveness and redemption. Find out how one person knows for sure that Jesus saves them. Learn more here!